Friday, February 4, 2011

More Stories of Gladiator

Hey everyone! Guess what, I have another story from Gladiator.
So, I get there and my friend Olivia is on the opposite team. She brought her wallet with her and gives it to Mary for safe keeping. When Olivia wasn't looking, Mary threw the wallet to me and another friend took Olivia's ID of Michael Jackson out. Well, the referee blew the whistle for the game to start and Olivia noticed Mary didn't have her wallet. Seeing that I had it, Olivia shot across the room yelling, "Give me my wallet!" Since Olivia's short it took her awhile before getting it. Immediately she looked inside and asked, "Did you jack my money?" I shook my head, laughing. She looked again and gasped. "Where is he! Where is Michael?" Laughing, I ran across the gym with Olivia slapping me and demanding me to give her the ID. By then, Mary figured that her sister had the ID and Olivia chased her across the entire room.

Pretty funny story huh? Yep, my life is good.

1 comment:

  1. Haha I love your stories. Sounds like you always have a lot of fun with your friends.
