Monday, February 28, 2011

This past weekend I went to the Revolve Tour. You can find the link to it here:

It was a lot of fun. The theme was Dream On. They had a lot of singers and speakers. Chad Eastham, Britt Nicole, Hawk Nelson. (He was LOUD). Group 1 Crew,
Kathryn McCormick, Jamie Grace, and Jenna Lucado Bishop.
There was so many girls there. I had never really thought about how many believers of God there was in the world. It seemed like the only believers I knew went to my church. God showed me different as there were thousands of believers at the tour.
Anyway, if anyone (I mean any GIRLS) get a chance to go, take it. It is really a cool experience.

Friday, February 4, 2011

More Stories of Gladiator

Hey everyone! Guess what, I have another story from Gladiator.
So, I get there and my friend Olivia is on the opposite team. She brought her wallet with her and gives it to Mary for safe keeping. When Olivia wasn't looking, Mary threw the wallet to me and another friend took Olivia's ID of Michael Jackson out. Well, the referee blew the whistle for the game to start and Olivia noticed Mary didn't have her wallet. Seeing that I had it, Olivia shot across the room yelling, "Give me my wallet!" Since Olivia's short it took her awhile before getting it. Immediately she looked inside and asked, "Did you jack my money?" I shook my head, laughing. She looked again and gasped. "Where is he! Where is Michael?" Laughing, I ran across the gym with Olivia slapping me and demanding me to give her the ID. By then, Mary figured that her sister had the ID and Olivia chased her across the entire room.

Pretty funny story huh? Yep, my life is good.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

A Memory Of My Past

Tonight as I was writing in my journal, I remembered a moment in my past. My family, friends, and I had gone to the mountains to play in the snow and while we were there, we went sledding. Me, I didn't dare try to go down the steep slope the group was using but my younger brother, (who is rather a pest) was very excited to try. He chose to ride on a plastic red sled and before he pushed off, we warned him to keep his feet out so he could slow himself down. His first ride was okay and when he finally climbed up the slope, he wanted to go again. The only problem was, we didn't know he was going down the slope and being a boy who is very hyper and has a million things running through his head a mile a minute, he had forgotten to keep his feet out of the sled. As he was speeding down the slope my friend Renee was coming up. She was about halfway up the hill when she looked up at me as a screamed and shouted at her. As my brother had forgotten to keep his legs out, like I told you before, he had gone down the slope and up the little hill at the end very fast and had flown up in the air. When he had landed, he wasn't moving and I was VERY scared. See, I have been scared before, like, when I fell off Shia. But this was different. Falling off Shia had happened to ME and I don't love myself. But my brother, I love him, though I don't show it often. As I screamed and screamed, Renee just starred at my brother, not doing a thing. She's the baby of her own family as well as my brother and I don't know if she just thought my brother was okay or was shocked by my screaming and my brother's crash. But as quick as you could snap your fingers I was on my butt and sliding down the hill. When I reached my brother he was lying on the sled, looking pale. He was shaking all over but THANK GOD he was breathing. My mother came up at that moment and took over but I was shaking just as bad as my brother. I had really been scared for him. Finally we got him up and we walked back up the hill. When we reached the top, my brother was swarmed with our friends but I was hugging my mother, tears rolling down my cheeks.
I wish I had thanked God then and there but I was just too over whelmed. So tonight, as I was writing in my journal, this memory popped in my head and I realized I needed to thank God for keeping my brother safe.

Thank you God for keeping me and my family safe and watching over us always.