Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Living As a Half-Blood

So, if you haven't guessed by now, I love Greek mythology. I give thanks for Rick Riordan who created Percy Jackson, a boy who is half human and half Olympian god. To be more precise, the son of Poseidon.
Anyway, I love reading the Percy Jackson books and lately, I have been into clay making. Here is my latest creation.

Anyone dare guess what this is?

How about a closer look:

If you haven't guessed what this is, I would encourage you to look into the Percy Jackson series to find out. If you did guess what I made, you rock! It is indeed, a diorama of Camp Half-Blood. I have spent my weekends working on this and it is finally done. And, the whole thing is made out of Sculpey clay. Well, except for the board. If you ever want to try making one, you'll need A LOT of clay, an oven that will stand cooking clay for the whole day, and a glue gun that won't mind using it's awesome abilities to glue everything together.

Pretty impressive, huh? My family and I thought so. Now the question is, what to do with it. I was so keen on making the replica, I had no clue where to put it. Oh, well. I'll figure it out. I mean, I am a daughter of Athena, at least in my own mind. (Don't worry, I don't really believe that. There is only one true god and that is the God.)


  1. Hey, I guess I rock! Or do I know count as I was with you every step of the camp-making way? Love ya. Mom

  2. Hey, that's pretty cool! You are so creative!! I love this blog! It was so much fun to read and very well written...hey, if you ever decide to go with a second career path, you may decide to become an author...I think you'd make a great one!! :) I love you!
