Sunday, June 12, 2011

Never Trust Your Family

Today my family and I went to Chipotle after church. As we were finishing eating, my friend and her family walked in and soon we were talking. I had brought my iPod in to entertain myself while waiting for my parents to finish eating, but put it aside as I was talking to my friend. I was so immersed in my conversation that I didn't notice anything else going on around me. When I turned around to reach for my iPod, I realized it was gone. Immediately i became frantic. I first thought that my friend's brother had taken my iPod. Then I thought it was my brothers. Then I thought it was my friend. Then I thought it was my friend's dad. Finally, I noticed that my dad was laughing. Now, my dad bought my iPod for my birthday last year and if I had lost it, he would have been mad. But here he was laughing, so I thought it was him who had taken it.
"Hand it over." I demanded.
"I don't have it. It's in Mom's purse." He replied, still laughing.

So I turned on my mom. "Did he put it in you purse?"

"No." Mom replied, keeping a straight, solemn face. So I asked my dad (who was
still laughing) about ten billion more times if he had it. I was convinced that he had taken it. Finally I got the sense to search Mom's purse and pulled out, my iPod.
"You lied to me!" I said, turning on Mom.

"No, you asked if Dad had put your iPod in my purse." Mom replied, smiling.

Finally, it clicked in. My
dad had taken my iPod but my mom had put it in her purse.
"I'm not talking to you guys." I said, whirling around and walking back to my seat.

So, all I'm saying is, you can never trust you family, well, around iPods that is. Have a happy Sunday.