Friday, December 3, 2010

And Now, For More Adventures of Gladiator

Hey everyone! So, today was another Friday and I went to Gladiator. Today was even funnier than two weeks ago. I had invited my friend Renee to Gladiator today and she, Olivia, Mary, (another one of my friends) and I were sitting around outside while waiting for first hour Gladiator to get over with. Olivia had with her a silver bag that held her make-up and lotion. Renee grabbed it from her and jumped off the wall, handing it to me as she went. I, having a crazy idea we could play Keep Away, threw it to Mary who caught on right away. We handed it off, back and forth and since Renee and I are really tall and Olivia is really short, we had an advantage. Mary, who's shorter than Olivia, is hard to get stuff from so Olivia couldn't get her bag. Well, there is this cement bridge that hangs over the entrance to the gym and Mary had and idea to throw the bag over it. Well, we all knew that Mary is a terrible thrower but before we could stop her, she threw it. Instead of going over the bridge like it should have, it stayed up there. Olivia, horrified that Mary had thrown $30 dollars up on a bridge that sits feet above us, ran inside. Mary was defending herself while Renee ran around slapping her. I ran inside and asked a guy up front if he could get a ladder and get it down. Moments later, Olivia was clutching her bag safely in her arms and trying to keep it away from Renee.

So there you have it. Another crazy and funny story about my life when I'm around friends.